design your future

Explore radical possibilities and instigate change. Unlock new business models, reach untapped markets, align your teams.

Need to understand the risks and opportunities that new technologies can bring?
Horizon scanning

Horizon scanning for signals and trends which are likely to affect your business in the future.

Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis helps you find a strategy for your products by analysing how your competitors have responded to the same need or new technology.

Need to push beyond the current horizon to prepare for longer term competitiveness?
Futures wheel

We can help you de-risk change by exploring the expected and unintended consequences of changes you’re planning. We can then help you mitigate the risks which may arise.

Future scenarios

Future scenarios will provide a framework for you to imagine possible futures, understanding their impact on your business. The value of doing so is to help you backwards plan, making changes to become more resilient.

Future personas

Future personas are believable people which inhabit future scenarios which on their own can be hard to relate to. By detailing the thoughts, needs and tribulations of future citizens, we have a richer sense of possible futures, enabling us to better prepare.

Speculative prototyping

Speculative prototyping involves creating artefacts from the future as means to make possible futures more tangible and relatable. Speculative prototyping also leads to rich discussions. Creating artefacts like a cereal box from the future can be a more effective way to communicate possible change than common deliverables like reports.

Want to digitally transform your organisation?
Future State Journey Mapping

Future State Journey Mapping will help you imagine a new service from users’ perspective. We can gather stakeholders’ thoughts in order to redesign your service, detailing any touchpoints with users.

Service blueprints

Service blueprints are useful if you want to know how to deliver your redesigned service, which a future state journey map doesn’t offer. Blueprints detail any interactions in your service, stating the ‘backstage’ processes required to deliver the service.

Self service optimisation

We can help identify and design new self service capabilities that reduce expensive calls to contact centres or physical retail spaces.

Digital Channel strategy

By drawing out the multiple contact points your customer has with your organisation, we can bring best practice examples to help you optimise the cross channel use of digital capability.

Looking to launch new products or enter new markets?
Proposition development

Proposition development for if you need help turning your thoughts into a proof of concept. These can be used to gather more specific feedback.

Proposition testing

Proposition testing with users to use the voice of your customers to refine and prioritise your ideas. We will show participants mockups, asking questions to understand their needs of a service. We can also add some benchmarking questions to give you some high level scoring to inform product prioritisation or roadmaps.


Bring your product or service to life. We create one off mock ups to indicate a solution or use rigorous hypothesis-driven design to turn a concept into a valuable product. We offer prototypes tailored to your confidence of the requirements; lower resolution prototypes to test desirability all the way to high resolution prototypes to test design elements or micro-copy.


Roadmapping can help you get stakeholders aligned on strategy, so that you can work on agreed priorities to achieve the team’s goals. We can help you design workstreams which align to company strategy, outlines the team required to do the work, states time estimates and any dependencies with other teams.

Want to explore a problem in detail or the system your service exists within to uncover opportunities?
Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking can help to uncover opportunities by analysing the systems your service sits within. It can be used to analyse the ecosystem your service sits in to identify opportunities, understand problematic processes in detail and unpick the factors behind complex problems.

Service audit

A service audit will illuminate the discrepancies your company's objectives and user needs, revealing opportunities for innovation and enhancing the overall understanding of the service.

headshot of Ben, Director of Spotless
Got a project in mind?

Ben is on hand to answer your questions.