prototype, test & learn

Explore and evaluate to decide what to launch and what to toss

Have a service you want to evaluate or change?
Service safaris

Service Safaris involve us experiencing your service; making notes, taking photos, and recording video snapshots to understand how a service works and what the experience is like.

Journey mapping

Current State Journey Mapping will help you understand all of the points of interactions between your service and users. This could be between you and your users or a specific interaction between groups of staff. 

Ideation workshops

Ideation workshops to get your team in a collaborative environment to give input and co-create solutions together.

Futures wheel

We can help you de-risk change by exploring the expected and unintended consequences of changes you’re planning. We can then help you mitigate the risks which may arise.

Do you need to visualise future experiences?

Storyboarding shows the user's journey through a new customer experience and its benefits. Storyboards are not limited to interactions with the product's user interface, which will be designed later. They can be a great way to visualise a desired experience to align stakeholders around outcomes. 

Proposition development

Turning your thoughts into a proof of concept. These can be used to gather more specific feedback. Use the voice of your customers to refine and prioritise your ideas. We will show participants mockups, asking questions to understand their needs of a potential service. Benchmarking questions can be added to give you some high level scoring to inform product prioritisation or roadmaps.

Proposition testing with users

Proposition testing with users to use the voice of your customers to refine and prioritise your ideas. We will show participants mockups, asking questions to understand their needs of a potential service. We can also add some benchmarking questions to give you some high level scoring to inform product prioritisation or roadmaps.

Have a product or concept you want to evaluate?
Product design

Product design for if you need help bringing your product or service to life. We use rigorous hypothesis-driven design to turn a concept into a valuable product. We offer product design tailored to your confidence of the requirements; lower resolution prototypes to test desirability all the way to high resolution prototypes to test design elements or micro-copy.

Low-fi provotyping

Low-fi provotyping can help you test your ideas at a high level. Lo-fi prototypes can help you learn if an idea is appealing, what features it could have and any inspiration to take from similar services.

Clickable prototypes

Clickable prototypes help you gather more specific feedback. This is useful if you want to know users’ thoughts about your proposed navigation, information architecture, use of symbols, copy and more.

Expert reviews

For early feedback to ‘iron out wrinkles’ and shape designs. We’re firm believers in the value of researching with users. Expert reviews bring our analytical abilities and experience to designs early on. This could act as a primer for a larger project, to help define objectives, or on an ad-hoc, on-going basis.

Usability testing

Helps testing a product from users' point of view. We test your ideas at any level of development, from paper-based sketches or wireframes, to click-dummies or the live product or service. (Potential) users perform a series of tasks in semi-structured interviews with a facilitator. Actions are observed, perceptions and expectations are gathered.

Struggling to achieve desirable behaviours from your users?
Behavioural design

Behavioural Design leverages Behavioural Science to help you achieve desired behaviours from your users. We offer a structured understanding of how people make decisions and behave in real-life situations. It helps you:

  • Bridge the gap between current and desired behaviours, driving better business results
  • Identify hidden behavioural barriers and opportunities
  • Seed change, not coercion. Helping users achieve their own goals through small and significant changes to how they use a product or service
Need evidence to inform an investment decision?

Roadmapping can help you get stakeholders aligned on strategy, so that you can work on agreed priorities to achieve the team’s goals. We can help you design workstreams which align to company strategy, outlines the team required to do the work, states time estimates and any dependencies with other teams.

Concept prioritisation

Concept prioritisation can be useful if you don’t know which initiative to focus on. We can help you visualise your ideas to gain feedback from stakeholders and/or users. This feedback outlines which features are most valuable to users and the business.

Informing technology decisions

Informing technology decisions  Manifesting a user experience into an example screen informs coders on what is expected to deliver the experience, and helps decision making features to build.

Business case support

Business case support using customer and stakeholder feedback as evidence. We can help you outline the benefits, risks, features and roadmap for a given change to your business.

headshot of Ben, Director of Spotless
Got a project in mind?

Ben is on hand to answer your questions.