energy & utilities

Our services in energy and utilities industry range from service design and design research to behavioural science and speculative design


The industry has witnessed a significant shift towards digitalisation, with increased adoption of smart technologies for grid management and improved customer engagement, and a growing emphasis on sustainable practices and renewable energy integration.

We are always excited to collaborate with energy and utilities companies in this evolving landscape to leverage digital advancements for crafting seamless customer experiences, optimise operational efficiency through smart technologies, and contribute to the industry's sustainability initiatives.

In our services that span initial design research to overall service design and organisational transformation, we integrate behavioural science to understand users better and employ speculative design to prepare for what's to come.

Develop new digital energy solutions

Creating innovative energy solutions involves significant uncertainty. We help energy companies identify customer needs and regulatory constraints, ensuring new solutions are both feasible and desirable.

Promote sustainable practices using behavioural science

Encouraging customers to adopt sustainable energy practices requires more than just providing options. Our behavioural design expertise helps energy companies promote sustainable behaviour, increasing the adoption of green solutions.

Enhance user experience for energy services

Energy services can be complex and technical. We work to simplify these services, improving usability and making it easier for customers to manage their energy consumption effectively.

Understand customer habits

Energy consumption and utilities' patterns can vary widely. We provide energy companies with insights into customer behaviour, helping them design solutions that fit into customers' lives and promote efficient energy use.

Validate energy product concepts

Before launching new energy products, validating their market fit is crucial. We help energy companies test and refine their product concepts, ensuring they meet customer needs and regulatory requirements.


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Distinguished narratives of our collaboration with esteemed brands, shedding light on our unwavering commitment to design brilliance and transformative results.
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Direct insights from our valued partners, capturing the essence of Spotless collaborations.

"Working with Spotless was a great experience for Air BP and the professional approach and advice were very much appreciated. You went the extra mile for us and the customer research feedback was presented in a very clear way which really helped to quickly identify areas of value. We hope to work together with you again in the future."

Claire Orriss, Offer Development Manager
Air BP
headshot of Ben, Director of Spotless
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