Behavioural Science

Discover the hidden drivers of human behaviour through the power of Behavioural Science, guiding strategic decisions and fostering positive change.

Behavioural Science

Putting behaviour into the focus of work and identifying ways to bridge the gap between current and desired behaviours, driving better business results.


Pressure mapping



AB testing/randomised controlled trials

Behavioural Systems Mapping

and more


Promoting/inhibiting factors

Behaviour change framework

Behavioural journey mapping


Behavioural intervention recommendations

and more

What and why?

Behavioural Science is all about why we do what we do. It explores human behaviour, decisions, and responses by combining insights from psychology, neuroscience, and economics.

With a Behavioural Design expert in-house, we harness this knowledge to unlock the hidden drivers of human behaviour. We believe that by delving into the intricacies of human behaviour, we can help businesses and organisations make more informed choices, optimise experiences, and achieve desired outcomes.


Our behavioural science & design expertise enables CX leaders and their teams to:

  • Enhance customer journeys by eliminating pain points and gaining insights into customer frustrations.
  • Smooth the path to innovation adoption by equipping the team with strategies to smoothly transition to new technologies and processes.
  • Future-proof products and services by getting the insights they need to understand evolving customer needs and behaviours.
  • Increase customer retention by uncovering factors that drive customer loyalty, reduce churn and grow customer lifetime value.
  • Improve interfaces and enhance user satisfaction.
  • Personalise services across different markets and geographies.

Got another project in mind? Get in touch so we can answer your questions.

Who benefits from our expertise?

Companies and teams that are:

  • Developing new products or services and need to ensure their offering aligns with user preferences and needs
  • Entering a new market and want to understand local consumer behaviour and preferences
  • Seeking to optimise internal processes to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement
  • Testing new features or policies and want to measure the impact on user behaviour through randomised controlled trials
  • Looking to implement effective behaviour change programs such as healthy behaviours among customers, and need to develop evidence-based intervention strategies

Got another project in mind? Get in touch so we can answer your questions.


Direct insights from our valued partners, capturing the essence of Spotless collaborations.

“Spotless don’t retell stories, they get to know our business, repurpose our insight, identify the gaps and create innovative solutions."

Nicola Charlton, Research & Insight Manager
Tyl by Natwest

"We required 'out of the box' thinking, meticulous attention to detail, an instinctive understanding of game design and a high-level of UX expertise. We got all of this and more."


"Spotless worked with us as our business partner, always going the extra mile to ensure our needs were met in a professional and timely manner."

Sharon Stinton, Learning & Development Leader
GE Money

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headshot of Ben, Director of Spotless
Got a project in mind?

Ben is on hand to answer your questions.